



Chicken Soup with Yellow Fungus and Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms

姬松茸  半両
黃耳  半両
雪耳  半両
冰鮮雞  1隻
紅棗  8粒(去核)
薑  3片

19g Agaricus Blazei mushrooms
19g yellow fungus
19g white fungus
1 chilled chicken
8 red dates(cored)
3 slices ginger

1. 黃耳用滾水加蓋浸5至6小時,洗淨,飛水。
2. 姬松茸、雪耳用水浸軟,摘去硬蒂,洗淨,飛水,瀝乾水分。
3. 雞去皮、去脂肪,洗淨,飛水,過冷河,瀝乾水分。

4. 燒滾清水15杯,放入雞、黃耳、紅棗及薑片,用大火煲20分鐘,轉小火煲1小時30分鐘,最後加入雪耳及姬松茸煲45分鐘,下鹽調味。

Method :
1. Soak yellow fungus in boiling water for 5 to 6 hours and cover with the lid. Rinse and scald.
2. Soak Agaricus Blazei mushrooms and white fungus until soft. Remove the stems and rinse. Scald and drain.

3. Remove the skin and fat from the chicken. Rinse and scald. Rinse under the tap water for a while and drain.
4. Bring 15 cups of water to the boil. Put in chicken, yellow fungus, red dates and ginger. Boil over high heat for 20 minutes. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Put in white fungus and Agaricus Blazei mushrooms and simmer for 45 minutes. Season with salt and serve.
