鯇魚腩,青椒,易潔鑊, 川味炒鯇魚腩




新鮮鯇魚腩 12両
甜青椒 1個
乾紅辣椒 8隻
乾葱頭 2粒
花椒粒 2茶匙
蒜頭 2粒

450g fresh grass carp belly
1 green bell pepper
8 dried red chillies
2 shallots
2 tsps Sichuan peppercorns
2 cloves garlic

2 cloves garlic
鹽 2/3茶匙
紹酒 半湯匙
粟粉 半茶匙

2/3 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp Shaoxing wine

1/2 tsp corn flour

紹酒 1湯匙
老抽 2茶匙
生抽 1茶匙
黃砂糖 半茶匙
熱水 2湯匙

1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
2 tsps dark soy sauce
1 tsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp brown sugar
2 tbsps hot water


1. 鯇魚腩用刀刮淨黑膜,洗淨,沿腩骨切厚片,下醃料拌勻,備用。
2. 青椒開邊去籽,洗淨,切塊;乾葱頭及蒜頭去衣,洗淨,切片。

3. 在易潔鑊下油2湯匙,下乾葱頭、蒜肉、花椒粒及乾辣椒用小火炒香,放入鯇魚腩,加蓋用中火焗2分鐘,傾下調味料及青椒略煮,翻轉鯇魚腩加蓋再焗2分鐘,再翻轉鯇魚腩煮至汁液收少即成。

Method :
1. Scrape the black membrane off the grass carp belly with a knifeand then rinse. Cut along the bones into thick slices and mix well with the marinade. Set aside.

2. Cut open the green bell pepper, remove the seeds, rinse and cut into pieces. Skin the shallots and garlic, rinse and cut into slices.
3. Put 2 tbsps of oil into a non-stick pan. Stir-fry the shallots, garlic,Sichuan peppercorns and dried chillies over low heat until

fragrant. Put in the grass carp belly, cook over medium heat with a lid on for 2 minutes. Add the seasoning and green bell pepper and cook for a moment. Turn the fish over and cook again with the lid on for 2 minutes. Turn the fish over again and cook until the sauce is reduced. Serve.