核桃糊食譜 tips:合桃補腦、養顏,拌入花奶可令合桃糊帶一陣奶香味,而且吃起來,口感細緻嫩滑。




雪耳合桃糊Creamy Walnut Paste with White Fungus


合桃肉  4両

雪耳  1朵
淡奶  2湯匙
冰糖 2湯匙(樁碎)


粟粉 1湯匙
水 4湯匙


150g shelled walnuts
1 whole dried white fungus
2 tbsps evaporated milk
2 tbsps rock sugar(crushed)

Thickening glaze:

1 tbsp corn starch
4 tbsps water
*mixed well


1. 雪耳用水浸2小時,剪去硬蒂,撕成細朵,飛水3分鐘,盛起,過冷河,瀝乾水分。

2. 合桃洗淨,與水1 1/2杯同放於攪拌機內,磨成合桃漿,用隔篩過濾,即成幼滑的合桃漿。
3. 煮滾清水2杯,放入雪耳及冰糖煮5分鐘,傾入合桃漿拌勻煮滾,下粟粉芡邊煮邊拌,轉小火煮至微滾,最後加入淡奶拌勻即成。

Method :

1. Soak the white fungus in water for 2 hours. Cut off the hard stalks. Tear into small pieces. Blanch for 3 minutes. Remove. Rinse in cold water. Drain.

2. Rinse the walnuts. Grind with 1 1/2 cups of water in a blender into walnut batter. Sieve out the creamy walnut batter.
3. Bring 2 cups of water to the boil. Put in the white fungus and rock sugar. Cook for 5 minutes. Pour in the walnut batter. Mix well. Bring to the boil. Add the thickening glaze. Keep stirring while cooking. Turn to low heat and cook until it slightly boils. Finally fold in the evaporated milk to finish.
