



撰文:敏|攝影:Paul Choi

延伸閱讀:4款蟲草花湯水 潤肺補腎護肝 抗氧化 防衰老 降血壓



牛柳 250克
鮮竹筍 1個
海蜇 120克
紅甜椒 30克
黃甜椒 30克
泰國小蘆筍 80克
姜 30克
蒜頭 20克


雞粉 1/3茶匙
蠔油 1/2茶匙
砂糖 1/4茶匙
生抽 1/4茶匙
花雕酒 1湯匙
老抽 适量
生粉 适量
麻油 少許
蟲草花  20克(約5錢)

Beef tenderloin 250gm
Cordyceps flower 20gm
Bamboo shoot 1 Piece
Jelly fish 120gm
Red bell pepper 30gm
Yellow bell pepper 30gm
Thai asparagus 80gm
Ginger 30gm

Garlic 20gm

Chicken powder 1/3tsp
Oyster sauce 1/2tsp
Sugar 1/4tsp
Light soya sauce 1/4tsp
Chinese yellow wine(Hua Diao) 1tbsp
Dark soya sauce a little
Corn starch a little
Sesame oil a little


1. 先将即食海蜇汆水備用,牛柳洗淨切條,以生抽、老抽、雞粉、糖及少許水調味備用。
2. 蟲草花泡軟,鮮竹筍、紅黃椒和泰國蘆筍洗淨切條,姜蒜切碎。下一湯匙油燒熱镬。放入竹筍條、蟲草花、露筍和紅黃椒條灑少許鹽及水炒香。

3. 再下油熱鑊,放入牛柳絲煎香。留意鑊一定要夠熱,牛柳才嫩滑!
4. 加入姜蒜炒香然後加入其餘材料。
5. 以雞粉、蠔油及糖調味,並以少許老抽及生粉水勾芡,最後加入海蜇,翻炒上碟即可。


Steps :
1. Soak the jelly fish in warm water and then wash under cool water. Set aside. Wash the beef, cut them into slices, season them with light and dark soya sauce, chicken powder, sugar and a bit of water, then set aside.
2. Soak the cordyceps flower until they become soft. Wash the bamboo shoot, red and yellow bell pepper and the Thai asparagus, then cut them into small slices.

Shred the ginger and garlic. Heat the wok with one tablespoon of oil. Add in bamboo shoot, cordyceps flower, asparagus, red and yellow pepper. Sprinkle a
little bit of salt and water, fry until the aroma comes out.
3. Heat the wok again with oil. Stir-fry the beef.

4. Add in garlic and ginger and stir-fry together.
5. Add in the remaining ingredients and season with chicken powder, oyster sauce and sugar. Add in a bit of dark soya sauce, corn starch and water and stir the sauce until it thickens. Add in the jelly fish, stir-fry then serve.