川貝雪梨 川貝鮮百合燉雪梨





川貝 半兩
鮮百合 1包(約2至3個)
鴨咀梨 4個
冰糖 半湯匙

19g Chuan Bei
1 bag fresh lily bulbs (about 2 to 3 pieces)
4 Ya-li pears
1/2 tbsp rock sugar

1. 川貝洗淨,瀝乾水分備用。
2. 鮮百合切去頭尾兩端,撕成瓣狀,洗淨,用清水浸過面,備用。
3. 鴨咀梨洗淨,切角,去心。
4. 將鴨咀梨、冰糖及川貝放於燉盅內,注入滾水3 1/2杯,加蓋,隔水大火燉15分鐘,轉小火燉45分鐘,加入鮮百合再燉15分鐘即成。

Method :
1. Rinse Chuan Bei. Drain and set aside.
2. Cut off both ends of the lily bulbs. Tear into petals. Rinse and soak in water (enough to cover the surface). Set aside.
3. Rinse the pears. Cut into wedges. Remove the cores.
4. Put the pears, rock sugar and Chuan Bei into a covered ceramic container. Pour in 3 1/2 cups of boiling water. Cover with the lid. Double steam over high heat for 15 minutes. Turn to low heat and double steam for 45 minutes. Add the lily bulbs and double steam again for 15 minutes. Serve.