




紅豆 2兩
眉豆 1兩
粘米粉 2兩
澄麵 半兩
椰糖 2 1/2兩
油 1湯匙
8吋糕盤 1個

75g red beans
38g black-eyed peas
75g rice flour
19g Tang flour
95g palm sugar
1tbsp oil
1 8′ cake container

1. 紅豆及眉豆洗淨,用水浸1小時,隔去水分。
2. 粘米粉、澄麵及水3/4杯調勻,備用。
3. 紅豆及眉豆放於煲內,注入清水4杯煲滾,轉小火煲至紅豆及眉豆熟透,下椰糖續煲至糖溶化。

4. 煲煮後的紅豆眉豆水(連紅豆眉豆料)約有2 1/2杯(若水分不足,可酌加滾水),傾入步驟(2)的粘米粉漿,邊下邊拌成半熟稀糊狀。
5. 糕盤內抹上油,傾入糕漿,隔水大火蒸半小時,待涼後切塊享用。

Method :
1. Rinse the red beans and black-eyed peas. Soak in water for 1 hour. Strain.
2. Mix the rice flour and Tang flour with 3/4 cup of water into batter. Set aside.

3. Put the red beans and black-eyed peas into a pot. Pour in 4 cups of water. Bring to the boil. Turn to low heat and cook until the red beans and black-eyed peas are cooked through. Add the palm sugar and cook until it dissolves.
4. There are about 2 1/2 cups of cooking water with the cooked red beans and black-eyed peas from step 3 (if not enough, add boiling water). Pour into the batter from step 2. Keep stirring while pouring to become a half-cooked thin paste.

5. Grease a cake container. Put in the paste. Steam over high heat for 1/2 hour. Let it cool down. Cut into pieces and serve.