明星餸給最愛 趙海珠學煮時蔬釀竹笙



Stuffed Bamboo Fungus with Vegetable

竹笙 8條
泰國蘆筍 16條
粟米仔 4條
蔬菜湯 80毫升
生粉 1湯匙
水 2湯匙
鹽及胡椒粉 適量

8 Bamboo fungus
16 Thai Asparagus
4 Baby corn
1-2 Carrot
80mL Vegetable broth
1 tbsp Corn starch
2 tbsp Water
Salt and white pepper to taste

1. 將竹笙浸水5分鐘,洗淨瀝乾,將竹笙切成同等長度。
2. 用剪刀將竹笙底部剪去。
3. 將泰國蘆筍、紅蘿蔔及粟米仔切條。(長度比竹笙長1厘米)
4. 將一鍋水煮滾,加入泰國蘆筍、紅蘿蔔及粟米仔汆水1分鐘,撈起浸凍水,瀝乾。
5. 將泰國蘆筍、紅蘿蔔及粟米仔釀入竹笙中,然後蒸5分鐘。
6. 準備一個鍋,加入蔬菜湯煮滾,加鹽及胡椒粉調味。
7. 加入生粉水煮至湯汁濃稠,淋在蒸熟的釀竹笙上即成。

1. Soak the bamboo fungus in water for 5 minutes, clean and drain. Trim the bamboo fungus in same length.

2. Use scissors to cut off the lowest portion of the bamboo fungus.
3. Cut the Thai asparagus, carrot and baby corn into strip. (Cut it about 1cm longer then the bamboo fungus)
4. In a pot, bring the water to boil and blanch the Thai asparagus, carrot and baby corn for a minute. Place in the ice bath, drain and set aside.

5. Stuff the Thai asparagus, carrot and bay corn in the bamboo fungus and steam it for 5 minutes.
6. In a pan, bring the vegetable broth to a boil. Season with salt and white pepper.
7. Add the corn starch water until the sauce has thicken. Pour it over the stuff fungus and ready to serve.

食譜及圖片提供:Day Day Cook
