






  1. 研究大學:在面試前,學生應該仔細研究目標大學的課程、校園文化和特點。這樣可以讓他們對該校的教學方法和價值觀有更深入的了解。
  2. 預測可能的問題:學生應該預測可能的面試問題並準備相應的答案。他們可以回顧自己的經歷、興趣和目標,以便在面試中提供有力的回應。
  3. 掌握面試技巧:學生可以參加面試技巧培訓或進行模擬面試來提高他們的表達能力和應對能力。這些技巧包括良好的姿態、積極的身體語言和清晰的語言表達。




  1. 自信和積極:學生應該展現自信和積極的態度。他們應該保持良好的姿態,保持眼神交流,並以清晰、有力的聲音回答問題。
  2. 誠實和真實:學生應該誠實地回答問題,展示他們真實的個性和價值觀。虛偽或誇大的回答可能會對他們的形象產生負面影響。
  3. 展示對該校的興趣:學生應該表達他們對該校的興趣和熱情。他們可以提到他們在研究中發現的該校的特點和優勢。


  1. 簡要介紹自己的姓名和目前就讀的學校。
  2. 提及你感興趣的專業和學術追求。
  3. 強調你在學術方面的成就和經驗。
  4. 提及你的興趣和參與的活動。
  5. 表達對未來的職業目標和對大學教育的期望。
  6. 結束時感謝面試官的時間和考慮,並表示期待加入該校。


Good day! My name is [Your Name], and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you today. Currently, I am a senior at [Your High School] with a passion for [Your Area of Interest]. Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently pursued excellence, maintaining top grades and actively participating in various extracurricular activities.

In terms of my academic achievements, I have consistently been on the honor roll and received accolades for my performance in [Relevant Subjects]. I have also had the privilege of engaging in research projects, where I developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Beyond academics, I am a dedicated member of our school’s debate team, where I have honed my communication and leadership abilities. Additionally, I have volunteered at a local community center, providing mentorship to underprivileged students.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the prospect of pursuing higher education in [Your Desired Field of Study]. I am confident that [University Name] will provide an excellent platform for me to further develop my knowledge and skills in this field.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to contribute my passion, dedication, and unique perspective to the vibrant academic community at [University Name]. I look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow alongside esteemed faculty and fellow students. Thank you.


Good day! My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you today. As a prospective student, I believe it is crucial to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of my background, achievements, and aspirations. So, let’s dive into my self-introduction.

I am currently a senior at [Your High School], specializing in [Your Area of Interest]. Throughout my academic journey, I have maintained a strong commitment to academic excellence and personal growth. As evidenced by my consistently high grades and active involvement in various academic competitions and projects, I have developed a deep passion for learning and intellectual exploration.

Beyond academics, I am a firm believer in the value of extracurricular activities. I have actively engaged in several clubs and organizations, including serving as the president of the student council, which has provided me with invaluable leadership experience. I am also an avid participant in our school’s drama club, where I have honed my creativity, communication skills, and ability to work collaboratively in a team.

Moreover, I am deeply committed to community service. I have dedicated my time to volunteering at local charities and organizing fundraisers for causes I deeply care about. These experiences have instilled in me a sense of empathy, social responsibility, and the importance of making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Looking ahead, my passion for [Your Desired Field of Study] has been a driving force in shaping my academic and career goals. I aspire to pursue higher education in this field to gain in-depth knowledge, contribute to cutting-edge research, and make a meaningful difference in society. I am particularly drawn to [University Name] because of its exceptional reputation, renowned faculty, and innovative research opportunities that align with my areas of interest.

In conclusion, I am genuinely excited about the prospect of joining the esteemed academic community at [University Name]. I am confident that my strong academic foundation, leadership skills, and commitment to personal and intellectual growth make me a suitable candidate. I am eager to learn from distinguished professors, collaborate with like-minded peers, and actively contribute to the vibrant campus life.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity of further discussing my qualifications and potential contributions to [University Name].




  1. 為什麼你選擇我們的大學?
  2. 談談你的興趣和愛好。
  3. 在你的學術生涯中,你最引以為傲的成就是什麼?
  4. 你在過去的學習和社區參與中取得的成就是什麼?
  5. 談談你在高中時期面臨的挑戰,以及你如何克服它們。
  6. 你如何平衡學業和課外活動?
  7. 你參與過哪些志願者或社區服務活動?
  8. 你如何看待多元化和包容性?
  9. 你對未來的職業目標有什麼計劃?
  10. 你對你所選專業領域的熱情和興趣是如何產生的?
  11. 你在什麼情況下展示了領導能力?
  12. 你最喜歡的學科是什麼,為什麼?
  13. 你在學校或社區中有沒有舉辦過活動或組織過團隊?
  14. 你在大學中希望參與的社團或組織是什麼?
  15. 你有遇到過失敗或挫折的經歷嗎?你是如何處理它們的?




  1. 西裝套裝:選擇一套合身的西裝,顏色可以是深色,如深藍色或深灰色。確保西裝外觀整潔,配搭一條相應顏色的領帶。
  2. 白色襯衫:選擇一件整潔、無皺摺的白色襯衫,搭配適合的領帶。
  3. 正式鞋款:穿著一雙整潔的皮鞋,顏色與西裝相搭配。


  1. 套裝或正式連衣裙:選擇一套整體協調的套裝或正式連衣裙。避免過於花俏的設計和顏色,保持簡潔、專業的形象。
  2. 中性色或深色襯衫:選擇一件整潔、無皺摺的中性色或深色襯衫,搭配適合的褲子或裙子。
  3. 正式鞋款:穿著一雙整潔、低跟的尖頭鞋或尖頭高跟鞋。




