紅葱頭, 紅酒, 牛扒, 肉眼扒




材料: Ingredients:
肉眼扒 1塊(260gm) Rib Eye 1pcs(260gm)
紅葱頭 1個 (50gm) Shallot 1pcs(50gm)
紅酒 120亳升 Red Wine 120ml
有色湯底 180亳升 Brown Stock 180ml
橄欖油 1茶匙 Olive Oil 1tsp

紅蘿蔔 適量 Red Carrots q.s.
白蘿蔔 適量 White Carrots q.s.
露筍 適量 Asparagus q.s.

調味料: Seasoning:

鹽 少量 Salt Little

胡椒粉 少量 Pepper Little



1. 先用鹽和胡椒粉將牛扒調味。

(Season the Steak with Salt and Pepper.)

2. 將紅葱頭切片及用少許油炒兩分鐘,再加紅酒一起煮,直至分量減少至一湯匙後,再加入有色湯底、用慢火煮十分鐘,加入少許鹽和胡椒粉調味,備用。
(Slice the Shallot and saute in little Olive Oil for 2 minutes. Add Red Wine and reduce to almost 1 tbsp. Then add Brown Stock and cook slowly for 10 minutes while seasoning Salt and Pepper.)


3. 將少量橄欖油塗上牛扒,再煎至半生熟。

(Brush the Steak with a little Olive Oil and fry the steak to medium rare.)


4. 燒熱鑊,用少許橄欖油煎已切碎的紅蘿蔔、白蘿蔔及露筍等蔬菜。

(Heat the wok with Olive Oil and saute the chopped Vegetables like Red Carrots, White Carrots, Asparagus and etc.)


5. 於牛扒面淋上紅酒汁,再伴上已煮熟的蔬菜。即成。

(Serve the Steak topped with Red Wine sauce and garnish with the cooked Vegetables. Then serve.)